About Us
Our Mission
We come to worship God, study the Word, and minister to others, all the while welcoming all into the fellowship of God’s family. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we desire to grow in our love of Christ and in our service to others. God calls us to ‘do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.’ Micah 6:8
What We Believe
Great Island is a participating congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are joined with believers all over the world in the One Body of Christ. We believe in the God made known to us in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By God’s grace we are saved through faith. God is so faithful that nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
You can read about the beliefs and practices of our denomination here. As a congregation, we profess one of the oldest and simplest professions of the Christian faith, the Apostle’s Creed.
Sunday Sunday School, 9-9:50am
Worship Service, 10:00am
1st & 3rd Sundays Knit Wits (craft group) 2-4:00pm
Monday Men’s Bible Study, 7:00pm
Tuesday BSF Ladies Bible Study, 6:30pm
Wednesday Bible Study for Seniors at Susquehannock Heights, 10:30am
Bell Choir Rehearsal 6:00pm
Vocal Choir Rehearsal, 7:00pm
Great Island Presbyterian Church is the oldest church in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, and was named after the “great” island in the Susquehanna River near Lock Haven. It has existed as an organized church since 1792, when a log church was erected as a “meeting place” on Bellefonte Avenue, west of High Street. This original church building was also used as a school. On April 9, 1794, the first pastor, the Reverend Isaac Grier, was ordained and installed. Rapid missionary expansion resulted from Reverend Grier’s pastorate, and the territorial responsibility accepted by Great Island Church expanded.
The congregation worshipped in several buildings through the years. Between 1845 and 1850, worship was held in the upper room of the Academy at the corner of Main and Vesper Streets. In 1855 a new church was constructed on East Water Street near the canal, facing the river (that building is currently in use as the Jaycee Building). In 1872 the Gothic revival style church at 12 West Water Street was completed at the cost of approximately $42,000. With minor changes, this church is still in use today.
The first ordination of a son of Great Island Church was for Philip Wolcott Furst on July 12, 1935 by official action of the Presbytery. He was a descendant of William Dunn, an early, local settler and one of the first elders. The second ordination took place on January 27, 1957 for Alexander Ungvary, a Hungarian refugee, who had been a member of the church. The third ordination, on July 24, 1988, was held when Christopher Todd Looker, the son of the Reverend and Mrs. Russell L. Looker, was ordained as a minister of the word and sacraments.
We welcome all visitors! Great Island is located at 12 West Water Street (directly behind the post office) in downtown Lock Haven, PA. Any baptized Christian is welcome at our table for the Lord’s Supper, regardless of age or denominational affiliation.