
There are numerous Ministries to serve in at Great Island Presbyterian Church. From singing in our choir, to building projects, there are plenty of ways to serve in the church. Do you have an idea of a new Ministry you would like to spearhead? Let us know!

Adult Choir

Leader: TBA
Contact: 570-748-2810

Description: Rehearsals are Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

Everyone is invited from High School age on up. You don’t have to read music or sing like Pavarotti – just have a heart for worship and a love of music. We are a growing group and there is room for more, so come out and join us, we would love to have you!

Building and Grounds Projects

Contact: 570-748-2810

Description: If you are interested in helping with church building projects, contact the church at 570-748-2810 and we will inform you how you can help fix, create, or maintain our building.

Member Care

Leader: TBA
Contact: TBA

Member Care is a team of worshippers who care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our faith community. Here’s how you can serve:


Join the team to help visitors get connected and plugged in to our faith community. It’s strange to attend a new church; join us in making visitors feel welcomed and encouraged.


Join the team to care for and help our members build relationships, grow spiritually, and find ways they can serve. Connecting our members in these areas is vital as a way to deepen and strengthen our Christian community. Come along with the journey of making sure our members are growing strong and staying connected.

New Members

Join the ministry team who helps plug our brand new members into vital areas for growth and service. Once people join the faith community it is vital for them to get connected in relationships with others and spiritual growth ministries. We need you to make sure our new members have found a good faith home.

Homebound Members

Help care for those who are kept in their homes by age, sickness, handicap, or disability. Help take them food, bulletins, sermon CDs, encouragement, or just visit them for a few minutes to build them up.

Praise Band

Leader: Position vacant
Contact: 570-748-2810

Description: Are you interested in joining a band? Join the Praise Band!

Sleep In Heavenly Peace

Leader: Laura Orndorf
Contact: 570-660-5494

Description: Learn about Sleep In Heavenly Peace.

Watch the Mike Rowe show where it was featured.

Special Music

Leader: Pastor Taylor Camerer
Contact: 570-748-2810

Description: We would welcome the opportunity to share your gifts and talents in worship to anyone interested in providing special music for preludes, offertories, and anthems.


10:30 a.m. Worship Services



Description: Youth 3rd grade to 8th grade will be lighting the pulpit candles at the start of the service as well as extinguishing the candles at the conclusion of our time together. Acolyte is an ancient Greek term that means follower or helper. The lighting of the candles at the start of the service is to remind worshippers that God is present in the service. At the conclusion of the service, the acolytes will extinguish the candles and carry the light out of the service, reminding us that as we move from our worship time to our daily lives, we are reminded to carry the light of Jesus Christ into the world.


Leader: Office Manager

Description: Join the greeting team to hand out bulletins, assist worshipers with finding their seats, and help collect the offering during the worship service.

Worship Assistant

Leader: Brenda Rossman
Contact:   |  570-748-2810

Description: Help lead worship from the pulpit by sharing the opportunities and ways to grow, leading the confession of sins, reading scripture and elements of the bulletin.


Leader: Brenda Rossman
Contact:   |  570-748-2810

Description: Join the care giving team of nursery helpers one Sunday a month during the corporate worship service to play with and teach our little children from infants to three years old.

Kids Worship

Leader: Brenda Rossman
Contact:   |  570-748-2810

Description:  Join our exciting new team of servants who care for and teach young ones during the corporate worship service. This class is an extension of the nursery but provides the older children with a worship service designed for them and is age appropriate.